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Brief Description

Bindx0r is a web application for configuring and modifying keyboard mappings for game config files (e.g. Quake3). It aims to be unobtrusive, intuitive, lightweight, powerful, and retargetable. Bindx0r is written entirely in Client-side Javascript.


Check it out in action for Quake3 Gridiron and the Q3 World Cyber Games!


I'll eventually fill in more details here describing the features of Bindx0r for both the front-end (for end-users) and the back-end (for developers, retargetters).

Source / License

Bindx0r is distributed under a BSD license. Here is the complete copyright notice for Bindx0r.

Contact Info

Bindx0r is developed and written by Cory Sharp <> .

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$Revision: 1.2 $
$Date: 2001/12/07 22:33:24 $